Pocket WiFi Docomo (30GB/Month) 11 Days Rental Pocket WiFi Docomo (30GB/Month) 11 Days Rental

  • Pocket WiFi Docomo (30GB/Month) 11 Days Rental
  • Pocket WiFi Docomo (30GB/Month) 11 Days Rental
This item temporarily
Out of stock
We deliver by the night before the rental start date. That arriving time cannot be fixed.

That I could connect to the pocket Wi-Fi anywhere securely and quickly.

Product Ordered:
Pocket WiFi Docomo (30GB/Month) 338 Days Rental

United Kingdom

second time using this service and while there is a minor inconvencience in carrying the router, there are no other issues. The pickup and drop are easy, the price is reasonable and the connectivity good.

Product Ordered:
Pocket WiFi Docomo (30GB/Month) 11 Days Rental


The staff was very accommodating and flexible. They provided timely responses via email and shipped my pocket Wi-Fi to my hotel. I have used them before and will use them again.

Product Ordered:
Pocket WiFi Docomo (30GB/Month) 22 Days Rental

United Kingdom

The service was excellent. I ordered the pocket wifi online and it was delivered to my hotel timely. The pocket wifi was easy to use, good small dimensions to carry it on my bag, I didn’t have any problems with the connection, easy instruction to return it.

Product Ordered:
Pocket WiFi Docomo (30GB/Month) 15 Days Rental


It was really good experience for us. Such a cool service!

Product Ordered:
Pocket WiFi Docomo (30GB/Month) 18 Days Rental


ESPAÑOL El servicio que ofrecen es eficaz,está muy bien de precio y funciona perfectamente.La atencion al cliente es vía email y suelen contestar bastante rápido si tienes dudas.Tambien te pueden mandar tu pocket wifi a la dirección que elijas por 600¥ ,lo que me parece un precio razonable teniendo en cuenta que ellos pagan la devolución de tu dispositivo wifi. Resumiendo,hemos estado muy contentos con el servicio y lo recomiendo 100%. DEUTSCH Der von ihnen angebotene Service ist effizient, sehr preisgünstig und funktioniert perfekt. Der Kundenservice erfolgt per E-Mail und sie antworten normalerweise recht schnell, wenn Sie Fragen haben. Sie können Ihr Pocket-WLAN auch für 600 ¥ an die von Ihnen gewählte Adresse senden , was mir ein angemessener Preis erscheint, wenn man bedenkt, dass sie für die Rückgabe Ihres WLAN-Geräts bezahlen. Kurz gesagt, wir waren mit dem Service sehr zufrieden und ich kann ihn zu 100 % weiterempfehlen. ENGLISH The service they offer is efficient, it is very well priced and it works perfectly. Customer service is via email and they usually answer quite quickly if you have questions. They can also send your pocket Wi-Fi to the address you choose for 600¥, which It seems to me a reasonable price considering that they pay for the return of your wifi device. In short, we have been very happy with the service and I recommend it 100%.

Product Ordered:
Pocket WiFi Docomo (30GB/Month) 10 Days Rental


The device arrived on time exactly the way we chose and it is also easy and simple to return it at the airport. The device is convenient to travel and operate, charges relatively quickly and easily lasts 15-18 hours in continuous use. We found one but very important problem with the device: browsing is often very slow.

Product Ordered:
Pocket WiFi Docomo (30GB/Month) 23 Days Rental


Good signal coverage and very reasonable pricing. Too easy to exceed 1 GB/day between 2 people just checking email, exchanging texts with family and friends, navigating directions with Google Maps, and as a result get speed throttled to about 1/2.

Product Ordered:
Pocket WiFi Docomo (30GB/Month) 14 Days Rental

If you are going to be late, we recommend to extend the rental period as it might be lower the total cost.
ItemLate Charges(day)Replacement Charges
WIFI docomo (30GB/Month)¥600¥24,000 (¥12,000 with Insurance)
Late charges
Late charges will be billed on the your credit card if the rental item is not posted by the midnight on the return date.
Consider extending your rental period if you are going to be late as it will be cheaper than paying the late charges.
To extend it, select "Extend" icon at "Extend" section in My Page.

If you miss returning the rental item 5 days after the return date without any notice, we consider it lost. We will charge you for it as replacement cost. This will be applied for breaking or losing the item as well. It will be billed on your credit card once they are applied.

How to recieve

Pickup At Wherever You Want

At airports, hotels, post offices, and even at residences. We will deliver the rental item to almost wherever you'll be at, and you can pick it up.

Find more at: How to Receive the Rental Items

How to recieve

Easy Return

Put the items in the prepaid return envelope we provide, and drop it into the mailbox anywhere in Japan by the midnight of the return date.

Find more at: How to Return the Rental Items

¥ 600(ex.)

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